Monday, January 18, 2016

What a Fabulous Birthday Weekend!

Well I'm 34 years old now, and I'm ok with that...this time next year maybe a different story HA! I know this year is going to bring me great things, because I'm going to make them happen.  Friday night was a BLAST!  My best friend got together with my mom, rented a bus and we did a "4 wheel" poker run.  We went to 5 bars, pulled cards and the winner won the pot ($5 buy in).  I'm proud to announce that I won the worst hand! LOL but I'm ok with that, we all had a fun and danced off at least a portion of the calories I drank. 

I was super nervous to weigh in this morning, but I'm down another 1.4 lbs this week.  That brings my total to 8 lbs since January 1st.  I didn't think I was going to lose anything this week. Friday night's dinner consisted of loaded tater tots and beer battered, deep fried fish.  However, I only ate 2 small pieces of fish, and only a handful of tots.  Portion control was key, I also stuck to just vegetables for snacks and lunch so I would have extra "drinking" calories. Each king can of Ale was 330 calories....I had at least 4 or those, and about 4-5 shots of whiskey...Yes, I know terrible.  Saturday I recovered quick and was not hung over at all.  A big glass of water before bed, and a bunch of water all day Saturday was just what my body needed.  Along with some light cardio before going out for the Packer game.  I didn't drink any alcohol during the game, and limited myself to just one taco and a few nachos for game time snacks.  I'm super bummed that the Packers lost, but they made it to the playoffs again, and I'm proud they are my team for life!

It's back to the grind of work now, with the actual temperature at -9 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of -37. I'm envious of my dog Ramsey who is curled up on the couch ready to take his early morning nap. Hope you all have a good Monday, make it great!

Look at that face, he's like go to work already so I can nap! Love him!

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